A healing ritual.
Curator Yvan Slade visits my gallery at Mythomorphosis. In real life Yvan is sitting in Lisbon. I'm in Tucson.
Tea at home with SingingHeart.
Goofy stuff at the Easter Show.
First arrivals at the opening of a dual artist show of erotic art at C'est Moi Gallery. I'm showing drawings and the digital sculptures are by Wolfie.
Friends in costume at my birthday banquet: Luci, Sunseed, Hermes, Hephaistos, SingingHeart, Mojave and Sam.
At the night circus.
Heph as Catrina Calavera.
Man on the street.
Cocktails chez Heph.
A solitary drummer at the Dance Museum.
In a bubble.
The Christmas ornament.
Receiving a blessing from Priestess Nepherses.
The deserted Steampunk town.
Upside down.